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Dr. Anton Apriantono

Dr. Anton Apriantono

Dr. Anton Apriyantono was former Minister of Agriculture, Republic of Indonesia (2004-2009). He began his career as lecturer in Bogor Agricultural University from 1982 to 2011. He obtained Bachelor and Master degree from the same university in 1982 and 1988. In 1992 he was granted PhD degree from Reading University, UK.

Dr Anton is an expert in food chemistry, especially chemistry and sensory aspects. He owns a patent entitled “Composition and Process Fried Chicken Flavor For Instant Noodles”, registered in Ministry of Law and Human Rights, Republic of Indonesia in 2007. He has published more than a hundred scientific publications (journal, proceedings, etc).

He has been involved in several professional associations, i.e. Indonesian Society of  Natural Products Chemistry, Indonesian Toxicology Society, International Union of Food Science and Technology, American Chemical Society, Institute of Food Science and Technology (UK) and Indonesian Association of Food Technologists.

Numerous awards he has achieved, such as medal star “Mahaputera Adipradana” from the government of Republic of Indonesia in 2010, World Bank Scholarship holder in 1988-1992.

He made positive contributions for food industries through many consultancy activities. Several positions that he held are President Commissioner of PT. Pertani and PT. TPS Foods Tbk, Commissioner of PT. Dunia Pangan, Governing Board Member  of TUV Rheinhald International Indonesia, and Independent Commissioner of Bakrie Sumatera Plantation.

Dr. Ardiansyah

Dr. Ardiansyah

Dr Ardiansyah obtained his PhD degree in Laboratory of Nutrition, Graduate School of Agricultural Science, Tohoku University, Sendai, JAPAN in 2007. He obtained his Diploma (Supervisor of Food Quality Assurance) in 1995, Bachelor and Master degree (Food Science and Technology) in 1998 and 2002, respectively. During his Doctoral and Postdoctoral fellow was supported by MEXT (Monbukagakusho) and JSPS (2003-2012), he focused on novel functional ingredients in enzyme treated rice bran for the prevention of life-style related disease.

His career started as Lecturer and Head of Department of Food Technology at Universitas Bakrie (2012-now). In 2014, he received Award for First Rank of Outstanding Lectures in Jakarta area. He is appointed as secretary general of ISFFN (P3FNI) and IAFT (PATPI), member at the Division of Information and Publication in the Food and Nutrition Society of Indonesia (PERGIZI PANGAN), member at the Division Education and Training of Indonesian Food and Beverage Association (GAPMMI), member of Sustainable Agriculture, Food & Energy (SAFE) Network, and member of American Society for Nutrition (ASN). His research is currently focusing on functional food, especially functional properties of rice bran and its products. He has published several scientific papers in international conferences and journals (ISI and Scopus indexed).

Dr Ardiansyah, is one of young eminent scientist in the field of Food Science and Technology in Indonesia. He also active as Journal Editor of Journal of Food Technology and Industry (Jurnal Teknologi and Industri Pangan), Journal Editor of Journal of Food and Nutrition (Jurnal Gizi Pangan), and Journal Editor of Hayati Journal of Biosciences.

Dr. agr. Wahyudi David

Dr. agr. Wahyudi David

Wahyudi David obtained Doctoral degree in 2011 as Doktors der Agrarwisshenschaften (Dr.agr), specifically in the field of Organic Food Quality and Food Culture (Ökologische Lebensmittelqualität und Ernährungskultur) from Universitaet Kassel. He was scholarship holder sponsored by Directorate General of Higher Education (Ministry of Education Republic of Indonesia) and DAAD-Stibet.

In 2005 he completed his undergraduate study (Agricultural Product Technology) from Universitas Andalas. He continue to pursue Master degree in Ökologische Agrarwissenschaften, Universitaet Kassel, Germany, and was granted as Master of Science in Organic Agriculture (Drying Technology) in 2008.

Wahyudi David began his career as lecturer in Universitas Bakrie since the beginning of 2013. Currently, he is a Managing Editor of Asia Pacific Journal of Sustainable Agriculture Food & Energy. His research interest on organic food quality and food culture.

He participated in Returning Expert Programme located in Indonesia which organized by World University Service and Centrum für Internationale Migration und Entwicklung (CIM), and sponsored by Deutschen Bundesministerium für wirtschaftliche Zusammenarbeit und Entwicklung (BMZ).

Since 2009, he joined as member of several professional associations, such as: International Society of Organic Agriculture Research (ISOFAR), Indonesian Association of Food Technologists, and Sustainable Agriculture, Food & Energy (SAFE) Network, PATPI, P3FNI. He also frequently involved in international training program in the field of agriculture, organic food quality, and sensory analysis.

Ervina, M.Sc

Ervina, M.Sc

Ervina began her career mostly in a multinational food company in research and development department, due to her passion in food, she continue her master in Europe and successfully awarded  scholarship under European framework in master program focusing in the field of food, health and nutrition. She awarded a joint master degree from four different universities in Europe under FIPDes (Food Innovation and Product Design), an international master program.

Ervina has been working both in food industry and commercialization of the products as well as with academic and research institution in Indonesia or in Europe. She was served as teaching assistant during her bachelor and master students and work as internship students in ice cream Company in France. Her specialization is to work with sensory and consumer science where she focused on human alteration olfaction and gustation and its relation with nutritional status. She love to spend her leisure time for cooking and travelling which serve her very well to work under department of food science and food technology at i3L.

Kurnia Ramadhan, Ph.D

Kurnia Ramadhan, Ph.D

Kurnia Ramadhan obtained his first degree (in Food Technology) back in 2009 from the Bogor Agricultural University. He was awarded Masters of Science (in Food Technology) from the Universiti Sains Malaysia in 2012. He was formally awarded PhD in Food Science from the University of Nottingham in January 2020. Since March 2020, he is serving as Chair of undergraduate program in food technology.

Kurnia’s research interests include physicochemical characterization and modification of food structure and textural properties. His works featured a wide range of analytical tools and approaches including FTIR spectroscopy, scanning calorimetry, and rheological analysis. The works have been disseminated and published in several international conferences and scientific journals.

Kurnia is also a member of several professional associations i.e. Institute of Food Science and Technology (UK), Indonesian Association of Food Technologists (PATPI), and Sustainable Agriculture, Food & Energy (SAFE) Network.